Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reporting A Safety Issue in the US

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the agency that is accountable for protecting and promoting public heath in the United States. It does this by setting regulations, conducting inspections and analyzing adverse events (AEs). The FDA maintains a computerized database where information related to AEs is stored and then analyzed. This database is called the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS). The FDA monitors the AEs in the database to determine if there are signals that could represent a health risk to the patients and public. The reporting of AEs is done on a voluntary basis by healthcare providers, patients and the public. Manufacturers of medications are required to report information related to AEs that they become aware of either through the conduct of clinical trials or that occur spontaneously in patients taking medicines that are marketed by the company. Reporting of Adverse Events can be done as follows: Consumers and Healthcare Providers can report Adverse Events online or using a form available through the FDA by clicking here or pasting the following URL into their web browser:

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